Feb 20, 1981
Crossing the Spans of Time - Covered Bridges Pay Tribute to the Past
It's been said that you can learn as much about a town's history from the graffiti and names crudely etched into the woodwork of an old...
Feb 6, 1981
Listening to Skiing's Past - Dr. John Allen Records Skiing's Early Years Through Oral Histor
Too often, the color and style of an era is lost with the passing away of its leading participants. Written accounts and passed down...
Nov 7, 1980
Soaring High on the Wind
"Clear prop!" With that command, the propeller of the red L-19 tow plane whirls into action, readying the craft for take-off down the...
Sep 19, 1980
Retracing Family Roots
Who among us considers taking time to retrace our genealogy, to discover interesting tidbits about our ancestors or the distant branches...
Aug 1, 1980
Keeping an Eye on the Ball
The glamour of being a lines-umpire at the Volvo International Tennis Tournament wears off fairly quickly when 8,000 tennis enthusiasts,...
Jul 11, 1980
The road to the summit
Looming 6,288 feet above sea level, Mount Washington dominates the landscape of northern New Hampshire. Early explorers felt the...
Mar 28, 1980
The White Mountains' Early Ski Trails
Skiing down the Sherburne Trail from Mt. Washington's famed Tuckerman Ravine or down the Gulf of Slides trail has been an annual rite of...
Mar 21, 1980
The Mount Washington Inferno - The Legendary Ski Race of Tuckerman Ravine
Mt. Washington has always held a fascination for skiers, and it wasn't long after the turn of the 20th century that the first descent of...
Feb 29, 1980
Tenth Mountain Division Reunion
Members of the renowned 10th Mountain Division will gather in the Mt. Washington Valley once again this weekend to renew acquaintances...
Feb 8, 1980
No Snow Trauma Trivia Contest
If you've lived in Mt. Washington Valley long enough, you might remember the terrible no-snow (or little snow) years of the late 1970s,...