Jan 16, 1981
Mountaineers to the Rescue
Like the Minutemen of America's Revolutionary War, they're ready to go at a moment's notice. Whenever the call from the North Conway...
Dec 12, 1980
Stalking the Wild Conifer
During the holiday season, Christmas tree hunters have always achieved a much higher "bag" ratio thatn their counterparts who scout the...
Nov 21, 1980
Setting a New Course - Tyler Palmer Begins a New Ski Career
Climbing out of his pickup truck on a brilliant Indian summer afternoon, shotgun in hand, the young man with the mop of unruly auburn...
Nov 21, 1980
Skiing at the Top - Abbi Fisher
Abbi Fisher's diminutive size belies her unbelievable physical condition, and staying in shape is an obsession. The season hardly ends...
Oct 10, 1980
Down to Earth Leadership
A cold rain pelted down on the eastern side of Mt. Washington last Saturday afternoon, soaking the clothes if not the enthusiasm of 20...
Sep 26, 1980
Autumn's Delicious Harvest - Growing Apples in Northern New England
The autumn of 1979 was a good season for apple growers in Northern New England, considered by many to be the best in recent memory. Cool...
Aug 22, 1980
Ursus Americanus Facts
Several weeks ago, a marauding black bear abducted a screaming pig from a farm on the West Side Road during a midnight raid. Across the...
Jul 4, 1980
The Continuing Evolution of the Huts
Every summer for nearly 100 years the Appalachian Mountain Club's huts have sheltered and fed weary hikers who trek through New...
Jun 28, 1980
Surveying the Presidential Range
Some men are described as achievers; their days never long enough to complete all their work, their lives full of accomplishment and...
Jun 20, 1980
Wind's Up for Surfing U.S.A.
Advertisements promoting sailboarding show well tanned Hercules types with knotted muscles dipping their backs into white-capped water as...