Jan 11, 1980
Downhill Sets pace for Pro Tour
Imagine attaining speed in excess of 70 miles an hour, with nothing but a pair of 223 cm. downhill skis and a thin body suit between you...
Jan 4, 1980
Some Snow, Some Skiing, and Some Cheer
Considering New England's unpredictable weather patterns, the installation of snowmaking equipment at a ski area is something like buying...
Aug 24, 1979
The Elusive Cat of the North Country
Few animals are as elusive and mysterious as New Hampshire's bobcat. "No matter how long you spend in the woods, they're the kind of...
Mar 2, 1979
Remembering the Ski Troops
In the years since World War II, the ski troops of the 10th Mountain Division have evolved to be legendary figures. On March, 2nd, 3rd...
Feb 16, 1979
Henry's Free Ascents
A year ago last January, Henry Barber and his climbing partner, Rob Taylor, were negotiating a wall of ice 18,000 feet up the steep slope...
Jan 26, 1979
Nature in its Rarest Mood - Winter Mountaineering
Winter weather in the mountains of New England is rarely kind. The stark, frigid environment, particularly above timberline, can be...
Sep 1, 1978
Resurveying the Presidentials
If, standing atop Mt. Washington, you always thought your elevation above sea level to be 6,288 feet, or 5,698 on Mt. Adams, or 5,715 on...
Aug 19, 1978
A Cosmic Height
Mt. Adams is the second highest summit in New England, and there are few other peaks, aside from Mt. Washington and Katahdin in Maine,...
Jul 28, 1978
Living Among the Clouds
Mountains will endure. As long as they are safe from the toys and whims of man, they will endure. But what of men enduring mountains?...
Jul 7, 1978
The Land of Many Uses - The White Mountain National Forest
The White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) encompasses more than 730,000 acres in Maine and New Hampshire, and at its heart lies Mt....