Jun 22, 1979
The Timeless Art of Dowsing
Dowsing -- certain people's uncanny ability to locate springs of water or other objects beneath the surface of the earth -- has always...
Jun 15, 1979
Staying Down on the Farm
Despite rising labor and productions costs, the Eastern Slope Farm is a thriving enterprise. Historically the Saco River Valley has...
May 18, 1979
The White Mountains’ Original Innkeepers
The Crawford Family Mt. Washington has lured explorers to its slopes since the first white settlers inhabited the forests of New England....
Mar 2, 1979
Remembering the Ski Troops
In the years since World War II, the ski troops of the 10th Mountain Division have evolved to be legendary figures. On March, 2nd, 3rd...
Feb 23, 1979
The Inimitable Art of Rick Phillips
Rick and Eileen Phillips' house on the West Side Road is a busy place. Busy in the sense that there are very few feet of unoccupied...
Feb 16, 1979
The Hub of Eaton Center
When Kay Rickert first began selling stamps behind the Post Office window of her country store in Eaton Center, a first-class letter...
Feb 16, 1979
Henry's Free Ascents
A year ago last January, Henry Barber and his climbing partner, Rob Taylor, were negotiating a wall of ice 18,000 feet up the steep slope...
Jan 26, 1979
Nature in its Rarest Mood - Winter Mountaineering
Winter weather in the mountains of New England is rarely kind. The stark, frigid environment, particularly above timberline, can be...
Dec 30, 1978
1978 Ear of the Year - The Blend
Instant success is a mythological beast in the world of professional entertainers. Sure, there are the tales about the groups that hit it...
Sep 1, 1978
Resurveying the Presidentials
If, standing atop Mt. Washington, you always thought your elevation above sea level to be 6,288 feet, or 5,698 on Mt. Adams, or 5,715 on...